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郭志鹏 , 熊守美 , 曹尚铉 , 崔正吉


通过采集高压铸造过程中铸型内部温度的变化曲线,采用热传导反算法, 求解了以铝合金ADC12Z为铸件材料的铸件-铸型界面换热系数并且分析了该界面换热系数随着铸件厚度的变化而呈现出的变化规律。计算以及分析结果表明:压铸过程中铸件-铸型以及空气-铸型间的界面换热系数随着压铸循环中不同阶段的进行表现出不同的变化规律。铸件的厚度对于铸件-铸型界面换热系数有着很大的影响,不仅表现在厚度的增大提高了换热系数的数值而且厚度的增大对于换热系数的变化趋势也存在的很大的影响。同时,不同厚度的铸件,其固相率和冷却速度的变化规律也存在着较大的区别。

关键词: 高压铸造 , Aluminum alloy , ADC12Z , Interfacial heat transfer coefficient

Heat Transfer between Casting and Die during High Pressure Die Casting Process of AM50 Alloy-Modeling and Experimental Results

Zhipeng GUO , Shoumei XIONG , Sang-Hyun Cho , Jeong-Kil Choi


A method based on die casting experiments and mathematic modeling is presented for the determination of the heat flow density (HFD) and interfacial heat transfer coefficient (IHTC) during the high pressure die casting (HPDC) process. Experiments were carried out using step shape casting and a commercial magnesium alloy, AM50. Temperature profiles were measured and recorded using thermocouples embedded inside the die. Based on these temperature readings, the HFD and IHTC were successfully determined and the calculation results show that the HFD and IHTC at the metal-die interface increases sharply right after the fast phase injection process until approaching their maximum values, after which their values decrease to a much lower level until the dies are opened. Different patterns of heat transfer behavior were found between the die and the casting at different thicknesses. The thinner the casting was, the more quickly the HFD and IHTC reached their steady states. Also, the values for both the HFD and IHTC values were different between die and casting at different thicknesses.

关键词: Interfacial heat transfer coefficient , null , null , null



